Are there different roles as power of attorney?
As someone in a role of power of attorney, you have specific responsibilities to carry out. Someone else has trusted you with this role to make important decisions for them when they cannot act with a clear mind. Through a legal document, it establishes that a power of attorney has the authority to act for […]
What is business bankruptcy?
A business bankruptcy is also known as Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This form of bankruptcy is recommended for individuals who own a business that is going through financial troubles. When individuals are going through a personal bankruptcy, they may be better suited for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. When you are granted Chapter 11 bankruptcy, […]
Who can collect workers’ compensation?
Workers’ compensation was put in place in order to help those that are injured in the workplace. It protects them from being terminated from their position due to their inability to carry out their job duties. Not only do these laws protect employees, they protect employers from being blamed as well. By collecting workers’ compensation, […]
What is probate?
Probate refers to the process involved in estate administration that proves the validity of legal documents. This process involves the validation of legal matters regarding a deceased person’s possessions and assets. While they are alive, they plan for their estate administration to name certain beneficiaries and what they will gain possession of. After they pass […]
What are personal injury cases?
Every day individuals face situations that can lead to accidents. When accidents occur, injuries can happen as an effect. If individuals were to suffer a personal injury due to the negligence of another party, they may be able to file a lawsuit against them. This can lead to a personal injury case. Personal injury cases […]
What is an automatic stay?
During tough times with finances, people may try to avoid filing for bankruptcy at all costs. However, bankruptcy can be a great option for some people. The process of filing for bankruptcy is set to help people recover from financial troubles. When there are no other options available for you, consider filing for bankruptcy. It […]
Foreclosure Defense Efforts
Being able to buy a home is a major achievement for many people. This is something that people dream about and save up for over the years. When homeownership finally happens, the buyer is often elated with the joy of such a major milestone. The idea that an individual may lose their home because they […]
Power of Attorney Options in NY
What is a power of attorney? A power of attorney is one of the many aspects of creating a comprehensive estate plan in New York State. When an individual is no longer able to care for themselves or is in a situation where they can’t handle their matters due to certain circumstances, a power of […]
How long does a trust last in New York?
Planning one’s estate is an essential part of growing older. When an individual decides to plan his or her estate, they may feel as though it is appropriate to put certain assets in a trust for heirs to benefit from in the future. Of course, it is important for an individual to have an understanding […]
Discharging Debts Through Bankruptcy
When an individual or a business is facing significant financial turmoil, they may be concerned about the future and how they will stay afloat. Those who are in dire financial situations often consider filing for bankruptcy as a way to get rid of some of their debt in hopes of being able to succeed in […]
Documents Required in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a very complex legal matter that requires a significant amount of financial documents to prove the status of one’s current economic situation. Before one’s initial meeting with a bankruptcy attorney, it is a good idea that they collect as many of their financial documents as they possibly can in an effort to come […]
What property can I keep after filing for bankruptcy?
When an individual is struggling financially and feels as though they will never be able to pay back their overwhelming debts, they may want to consider filing for bankruptcy. A lot of people are apprehensive about filing for bankruptcy because they are afraid that they will never build back their credit score and they will lose […]